I Am Gymshark IllustrationCampaignWellbeing 19 Jun Written By Lyndsey Webster BRANDING CAMPAIGNI Am Gymshark is a fictitious campaign for the gym-wear company GYMSHARK to attract a more inclusive crowd to their brand. The campaign focused on being the best you, and how how joining the GYMSHARK community could help you achieve that. Kalid Hersi PORTFOLIO INSTAGRAM I am a Graphic Designer in Birmingham that primarily works with digital software. I'm a Jack-of-all-trades kind of designer, who is not afraid to broaden horizons and create anything that comes to mind! DISCOVER MY WORK Search for other work or choose a discipline DISCIPLINES BRANDINGILLUSTRATIONFASHIONMOTIONUI/UXCAMPAIGNWELL-BEINGPACKAGINGTYPOGRAPHYPHOTOGRAPHYTRADITIONAL MEDIA Lyndsey Webster
I Am Gymshark IllustrationCampaignWellbeing 19 Jun Written By Lyndsey Webster BRANDING CAMPAIGNI Am Gymshark is a fictitious campaign for the gym-wear company GYMSHARK to attract a more inclusive crowd to their brand. The campaign focused on being the best you, and how how joining the GYMSHARK community could help you achieve that. Kalid Hersi PORTFOLIO INSTAGRAM I am a Graphic Designer in Birmingham that primarily works with digital software. I'm a Jack-of-all-trades kind of designer, who is not afraid to broaden horizons and create anything that comes to mind! DISCOVER MY WORK Search for other work or choose a discipline DISCIPLINES BRANDINGILLUSTRATIONFASHIONMOTIONUI/UXCAMPAIGNWELL-BEINGPACKAGINGTYPOGRAPHYPHOTOGRAPHYTRADITIONAL MEDIA Lyndsey Webster