Bearfruit IllustrationCampaignWellbeing 19 Jun Written By Lyndsey Webster UI/UX BRANDING Bearfruit is a student cooking app where students can share cheap, easy to make recipes with each other. You have enough problems in uni, why should cooking be one of them? Kalid Hersi PORTFOLIO INSTAGRAM I am a Graphic Designer in Birmingham that primarily works with digital software. I'm a Jack-of-all-trades kind of designer, who is not afraid to broaden horizons and create anything that comes to mind! DISCOVER MY WORK Search for other work or choose a discipline DISCIPLINES BRANDINGILLUSTRATIONFASHIONMOTIONUI/UXCAMPAIGNWELL-BEINGPACKAGINGTYPOGRAPHYPHOTOGRAPHYTRADITIONAL MEDIA Lyndsey Webster
Bearfruit IllustrationCampaignWellbeing 19 Jun Written By Lyndsey Webster UI/UX BRANDING Bearfruit is a student cooking app where students can share cheap, easy to make recipes with each other. You have enough problems in uni, why should cooking be one of them? Kalid Hersi PORTFOLIO INSTAGRAM I am a Graphic Designer in Birmingham that primarily works with digital software. I'm a Jack-of-all-trades kind of designer, who is not afraid to broaden horizons and create anything that comes to mind! DISCOVER MY WORK Search for other work or choose a discipline DISCIPLINES BRANDINGILLUSTRATIONFASHIONMOTIONUI/UXCAMPAIGNWELL-BEINGPACKAGINGTYPOGRAPHYPHOTOGRAPHYTRADITIONAL MEDIA Lyndsey Webster