Ahimsa IllustrationCampaignWellbeing 18 Jun Written By Lyndsey Webster BRANDING CAMPAIGNAhimsa Campaign fights for the study of Hinduism to be taught as a subject alongside other religions to expand and broaden the child's mindset. Ahimsa offers schools the correct and accurate resources for Hinduism to be taught in schools. Keval Chohan PORTFOLIO INSTAGRAM LINKEDIN I am a Graphic Designer, who specialises in Branding, UX UI Design & Motion Graphic Design. I believe in hard work and enjoy learning something new about Graphic Design every day. DISCOVER MY WORK Search for other work or choose a discipline DISCIPLINES BRANDINGILLUSTRATIONFASHIONMOTIONUI/UXCAMPAIGNWELL-BEINGPACKAGINGTYPOGRAPHYPHOTOGRAPHYTRADITIONAL MEDIA Lyndsey Webster
Ahimsa IllustrationCampaignWellbeing 18 Jun Written By Lyndsey Webster BRANDING CAMPAIGNAhimsa Campaign fights for the study of Hinduism to be taught as a subject alongside other religions to expand and broaden the child's mindset. Ahimsa offers schools the correct and accurate resources for Hinduism to be taught in schools. Keval Chohan PORTFOLIO INSTAGRAM LINKEDIN I am a Graphic Designer, who specialises in Branding, UX UI Design & Motion Graphic Design. I believe in hard work and enjoy learning something new about Graphic Design every day. DISCOVER MY WORK Search for other work or choose a discipline DISCIPLINES BRANDINGILLUSTRATIONFASHIONMOTIONUI/UXCAMPAIGNWELL-BEINGPACKAGINGTYPOGRAPHYPHOTOGRAPHYTRADITIONAL MEDIA Lyndsey Webster