Ladybird IllustrationCampaignWellbeing 19 Jun Written By Lyndsey Webster EDITORIAL ILLUSTRATIONMy client brief project set by Ladybird, a 0-5 children’s book which is centred on my dog Corey. Showing his eventful first day at his new home. With various novelty elements such as pop-ups, tactiles and flaps! Cameron Brown INSTAGRAM LINKEDIN I am a Graphic Designer and Illustrator who is starting to specialise in children’s illustration… and animal illustration of course! DISCOVER MY WORK Search for other work or choose a discipline DISCIPLINES BRANDINGILLUSTRATIONFASHIONMOTIONUI/UXCAMPAIGNWELL-BEINGPACKAGINGTYPOGRAPHYPHOTOGRAPHYTRADITIONAL MEDIA Lyndsey Webster
Ladybird IllustrationCampaignWellbeing 19 Jun Written By Lyndsey Webster EDITORIAL ILLUSTRATIONMy client brief project set by Ladybird, a 0-5 children’s book which is centred on my dog Corey. Showing his eventful first day at his new home. With various novelty elements such as pop-ups, tactiles and flaps! Cameron Brown INSTAGRAM LINKEDIN I am a Graphic Designer and Illustrator who is starting to specialise in children’s illustration… and animal illustration of course! DISCOVER MY WORK Search for other work or choose a discipline DISCIPLINES BRANDINGILLUSTRATIONFASHIONMOTIONUI/UXCAMPAIGNWELL-BEINGPACKAGINGTYPOGRAPHYPHOTOGRAPHYTRADITIONAL MEDIA Lyndsey Webster